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Bailey is a Yorkshire Terrier who has been with us for several years now.    She is definitely the leader of the pack at the house. She is a diva who rules, but she also loves to snuggle.  She looks cute and sweet, but she can be a little devil!

Noah is a Shih-Poo mix who has been with us for several years.  He is a sweet and gentle boy.  He loves every animal and every person he meets.  He is curious and likes to explore everywhere.  Everyone falls in love with Noah!

Smokey is a Pomeranian who came to us many years ago.  He is now 13 years old.  He is a talker and he likes to tell you when he wants to go out or when he wants to eat, and he knows when it it meal time!


Smokey is always either lying down or wandering around outside, there is nothing in between for him.  


Smokey is currently suffering with a collapsed trachea and has difficulty breathing at times, but he still gets into everything!  

Tux has been with us since 2010 and although he is an old man, he acts like a puppy jumping and running when he is happy, which is all the time!  He came to us when his owner passed away from cancer.  She was a rescuer who we worked with to help place poodles and so when she knew she was dying of cancer she reached out to us to take Tux.


At the age of 9, Tux had to have all of his teeth pulled due to poor dental hygiene in his earlier years.  Now he has no teeth to keep his tongue in his mouth, so he is always mouthing with his tongue. 


He is a very affectionate and loving dog and he loves to give people hugs.

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        Family photos at Perpetual Care


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Molly is not actually a Perpetual Care Pet Trust resident, she is the first Life Care Share Agreement.  Molly's Mom is still alive, but she had to enter an assisted living facility.  The facility allows pets, but her Mom is not able to care for Molly due to physical limitations of her and Molly both.  


We heard about her situation and created a Life Care Share Agreement which has Molly living at Perpetual Care and 3 days a week, we share Molly with her Mom.  We take Molly to see her at the assisted living facility and she stays there for a few hours just visiting and enjoying the love and affection her Mom gives her.  

We love this arrangement because Molly's Mom doesn't have to lose her beloved Pet and yet Molly lives in a loving home environment where she is healthy and happy.

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